Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fruited Yogurt Desserts

This is a simple dessert recipe that really anyone can do! Even you beginners!  I made Fruited Yogurt Desserts this afternoon for a healthy snack.

I began by gathering my ingredients: plain yogurt, blueberries, a banana, and agave syrup.

I get my agave syrup from a local company called Uncle Harry's Natural Products. If you have a moment, you should really check them out.  Uncle Harry's has some amazing stuff! I love the All Natural Tooth Powder and Monoi Tiare Oil. They also just started a twitter, which updates with sassy and smart tidbits!

I digress. Back to this yogurt delight: put a couple of spoonfuls of yogurt in a bowl. Peel and slice banana into coins and add it the bowl. Sprinkle blueberries into the bowl. Drizzle with about half a tablespoon of agave nectar. Stir and ENJOY! Or else! 

This isn't rocket science folks! Fruited Yogurt Desserts are yummy. I had to modify mine a bit from the original recipe due to a lack of certain fruits being in season and certain sweeteners not being a staple in my home. A flexible recipe for sure.

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