I had a bone to pick with Macaroni and Cheese Lite... I made the original Moosewood recipe for "Whole Wheat Macaroni: Russian Style" some time ago on Vashon Island. It was a lot of fun to assemble, and was even cast in a starring role on my blog page (see the banner at the top of ahappytaste. blogspot.com... it's from the production line of WWM:RS). But the recipe itself was... well... gross. The red onion was practically raw, there were too many veggies, too much cottage cheese, in general: a mess. So when I saw that Macaroni and Cheese Lite was the updated version of this failed first attempt, I furrowed my overly plucked brow in concern. I knew that if I wanted to conquer this cookbook, I'd have to at least give it a try.
Butcha know what!? The new recipe was pretty good. I made a half recipe (something I am starting to realize I should do for all of these Moosewood attempts... often it is just too much food!) and baked it with extra cheese, a signature Alli Wright move. Instead of cabbage I used a little cauliflower and some peas. I omitted the caraway seeds. I cooked the veggies a bit longer than directed to sufficiently soften them and prevent any potential raw onion bits. This dish reminds me of tuna noodle casserole without the fish. It was quite tasty and filling!
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