Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Simplest Primavera

Simplest Primavera took about 20 minutes to make, from gathering ingredients to plating the food.  It was, as you may have guessed from the name, simple, and quite delicious.

I began by putting on water for pasta and heating some kale in a pan. The kale cooked quicker than I thought it would, and was popping and crackling all over the place. I am still getting used to the stove in my apartment, so I blame that!

Then I added peas, green onions, and garlic to the pan. Everything mingled for a bit before I added fresh basil and black pepper.

After the pasta was thoroughly cooked, I added it to the veggies. Everything mingled for a bit and then got plated. I used my microplane grater to finely grate some Parmesan cheese on top. This delicate cheese is like eating little tendrils of curly, sweet, baby fine hair.  And you can quote me on that!

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