Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Salad Sandwiches

I know it sounds a little crazy, but these Salad Sandwiches were sans sliced meat and cheese and were TOTALLY BODACIOUS! As a recently recommitted full fledged vegetarian, I have been relying heavily on cheese for fun and flavor. This meal showed me that you can have substantial taste without the added fat and calories from cheese.

I began the spectacular salad sandwich journey by gathering the necessary ingredients.
I'd like to take a moment right now to apologize for the lighting in my kitchen. It's terrible, I know. I don't have the time and patience to make beautiful food in beautiful daytime light everyday, so my post late night school situation will have to do from time to time. I hope you will still date me.

After gathering came rinsing, slicing, and shredding.  The crispy lettuce was rinsed and patted down, the cucumber, onion, and tomato was thinly sliced, and the carrot was shredded. I decided, before embarking on this sandwich adventure, to have all of the toppings ready to go for assembly.  I wanted the real sandwich deli effect here, folks!

The recipe called for "slices of great bread."  In this house, we go for the greatest: Dave's Killer Bread! This bread seriously rocks. It is organic, vegan, and comes with an inspiring message. A thin layer of mayonnaise went on the bread, followed by some salt and pepper, the veggies, and a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette.  I accidentally forgot to put the lettuce on the sandwich, so I improvised and put it under the bread. Truly a salad sandwich!

I served the salad sandwiches with some extra slices of cucumber and some delicious tots (so much for the calories and fat slashed from cheese!). Here are a few rare photos of myself enjoying my sandwich. I don't like to slather my face all over this blog, but this sandwich was so out of this world delicious, that after my first bite, I knew the goodness needed to be documented!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Yum! And youre uber cute lady ;)

  2. Shucks! Have you made any Moosewood recipes??

  3. Ooooh! Fab idea! I'm having vegans over for dinner tomorrow and this will be just perfect xo

  4. Yea! You should definitely do it, Kerry. Just leave out the mayo :)

  5. unfortunately no :(

    i did a bit of house cleaning a few weeks ago and put it on my book shelf... well i've forgotten about it :-/

    thanks for reminding me though!

  6. Oh my goodness, this looks sooo tasty! I need to try it.


  7. Yea! Do it Emma :)

    And Ainsley, I wanna hear all about your Moosewood adventures :)

  8. I love your glasses! Very cute!

  9. Thanks Kate! They're from Eyes On Fremont :)

  10. Slather away. I too, would love a few tots on the side of a sandwich. Good choice!
