Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Nachos Sauce, Mango Salsa, and Guacamole

Three fresh and tasty dips... Nachos Sauce, Mango Salsa, and Guacamole! I made these dips in advance so that the salsa and guacamole had enough time to chill. They paired exceptionally well with tortilla chips... though I might argue that anything tastes divine with a tortilla (cinnamon, pesto, peanut butter... I could go on and on!)

Nachos Sauce was a blend of peppers and onion, cooked slowly over low heat. A room temperature can of beer was added and then lots of grated, mild, white cheese. The sauce has an obvious, but not overpowering, beer flavor with lots of cheesy goodness!

Mango Salsa was by far my favorite of the three dips! Fresh, ripe mango slices, softened red onion, cilantro, freshly squeezed lime juice, and some salt! It's like diving into the crisp, bright blue waters of Lake Chelan... refreshing and blissful!

Guacamole was a little too over spiced for me. I added the optional cumin and chili powder to the avocado, lime juice, garlic, and salt, but it was simply too spicy. It took away from the smooth, cooling flavor of avocado and just tasted like mushy chili. Not a winner, but worth trying again with less optional additons.

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